Waltzes (2015)
König's great talent is to capture moods musically and express them sonically ... The works are profound, sensitive, emotional. (klassik.com)
When he saw and heard Japanese concert pianist Mayuko Miyata - who also now lives in the German capital - at one of her concerts, he recalled a waltz he had once composed but then forgotten in a drawer. Miyata's expressive and technically brilliant playing rekindled his passion for Chopin - a passion shared by Miyata, who immersed herself in Chopin's music under the tutelage of award-winning Polish concert pianist Lidia Grychtołówna. This resulted in the Waltzes project: contemporary classical piano music composed by Kerim Koenig and interpreted by Mayuko Miyata. Together they recorded an album at the famous Teldex studio in Berlin with the help of Grammy-nominated sound engineer Wolfgang Schiefermair. It is an album full of soundscapes that inspire the listener not so much to roll, but rather to think, reflect and relax.