Barcelona Crime - Bloody Concrete

Fina Valent and Xavi Bonet are called to a crime scene at one of Barcelona's many construction sites. In Barcelona, there is a fierce cut-throat competition. Like many big cities, the Catalan capital suffers from gentrification.

Where once simple apartment buildings stood, luxury apartments are now being built. Among the winners of this displacement is building contractor Macario Herera. But now he is found beaten to death on one of his construction sites. Herera had made many enemies: his unloved business partner Nestor Rodriguez, his son Felix, who fights against Herera's projects and who is the friend of Fina's daughter Maria, and many nameless people who were driven from their residential areas.

Herera's victims include Ruben, a childhood friend of Xavi's who was completely thrown off track by the loss of his apartment. But not only Xavi brings the investigation into a personal conflict, Fina is also biased: Nestor Paredes was once her lover.


Year 2020
Genre feature film (ARD)
Production Dreamtool Entertainment
Director Isabell Šuba
In collaboration with Christian Biegai